Bienvenido al Portal del Ciudadano banense.

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The municipality is geographically located to the north and west of the Province of Holguín. It limits to the north with the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, to the south with the municipalities of Báguano and Holguín, to the east with Antilla and to the west with Freyre.
Population: 77883
Territorial Ext.: 761.86 km2
Urban population: 45,491 inhabitants 58.4%
111 Delegates: 84 Men and 27 Women
15 Popular Tips
7 Permanent Work Committees
4 Deputies
7 APPP Delegates
CAM: 21 Members

The Banes territory belonged to the jurisdiction of the town of San Salvador de Bayamo from 1513 to 1751, in which the Holguín city council was founded through a royal cell and Banes was part of the pediatric captaincy of Bariay, then it belonged to Gibara from 1823 until its foundation as a municipal term on January 17, 1910 in which the Banes city council was constituted, after a tenacious struggle by its inhabitants to eliminate economic and political dependence on other territories.

This fact filled its residents with pride, seeing their most expensive aspirations fulfilled, which was seen from their own local symbols- the hymn to Banes, the Banes shield and the idol, symbol of Banes that with the passing of time have deserved this high value.

Learn why Banes is known as The Archaeological Capital of Cuba

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